Each person with scoliosis has a different experience. We created this podcast to share those experiences and help others have hope in managing this diagnosis. We will explore the many treatments for scoliosis from both the viewpoint of the patient and the practitioner. Treatments including scoliosis specific exercise, surgical procedures, bracing, and others will be reviewed and described. Personal experiences will also be shared of patients and parents.
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Gary Huntington, DPT Schroth Method Scoliosis Specialist in St George, Utah
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
In this episode, I talk to Gary Huntington who is one of the few Schroth Method physical therapists in Utah. He is located in St George, Utah and has been treating scoliosis and other spine patients there for 10 years. He shares his experience and introduction to scoliosis and why he loves treating this condition.
He also shares some exciting news that he will be opening a scoliosis specific clinic in Southern Utah in St George, and is really excited to start treating patients with more of a multidisciplinary approach.
One of the struggles with scoliosis specific exercise, is the lack of support from the other members of the scoliosis team. Many times we struggle to get the support or buy in of the surgeons and orthopedic doctors, even though this treatment has been found to be effective.
Being able to work more with all disciplines within the scoliosis treatment realm will be a huge benefit from him as he branches out in his own clinic.
To reach out to Gary, you can email him at gary@aligntherapyutah.com.
You can also check out the St George page on our website at:
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Kyra Condie is a professional rock climber who had a spinal fusion as a teen to stop a rapidly progressing scoliosis curve. On this episode, Kyra discusses what it was like to have scoliosis progress to needing surgery when her climbing career was starting to take off.
Fast forward to the Tokyo Olympics and Kyra is the first athlete to compete in the Olympic Games with a spinal fusion.
She shares a great story about the first surgeon she went to telling her that climbing wasn't going to be a big part of her life, so she should just not worry about it. She ended up having a second opinion from a surgeon who took her goals into account when doing the surgery.
One of the huge takeaways from this episode is to advocate for yourself...even if you are a teenager discussing with your parents. If you are looking at surgery for scoliosis, Kyra also recommends getting a second, and maybe even a third, opinion.
You can find out more about Kyra's journey and story by following her on Instagram:
or on her website:
Kyra continues to do some awesome things in climbing, so watch for her on the world stage. She was also such a cool person to get to know on this podcast. Thanks Kyra!
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Scoliosis and Spine Workshop March 9 2023 on YouTube Live
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
This month we did a workshop on Scoliosis and Spine on YouTube Live with 3 specific things you can do to reduce back pain and improve posture.
Check out the Video HERE
We discuss many things with scoliosis and spine treatment along with some specific things you can do to relieve your back pain and improve your posture. Below you will find the supplies you will need to help you do them.
Upright Go 2 - https://amzn.to/3J1Sj89
KT Tape - https://amzn.to/3FeiwPz
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
December 2022 Scoliosis Workshop at Align Therapy
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Each month we do a scoliosis workshop in the second week of the month. This month we discuss many topics related to scoliosis, including how to determine what the best treatment is for you. We also talk about scoliosis specific exercise and bracing.
This was also on YouTube live, and you can check it out below.
Friday Jan 20, 2023
November 2022 Scoliosis Workshop and YouTube Live
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
This year we decided that every month we would have workshop where we can talk about scoliosis, answer questions, and help those dealing with this diagnosis learn what to do for treatment.
In this episode we talk about what causes scoliosis, when to get help, what to do, and what size of curves are treated in what way. Check it out and see what you can learn.
To view this on YouTube, click on the link below.
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Straight Talk Scoliosis with Rachel and Terry Mulvaney...The Curvy Girls
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
This was an amazing episode to record. Terry and Rachel share some fantastic information for all those with scoliosis.
Terry is the author of Straight Talk Scoliosis which is a great resource book for those living with and dealing with scoliosis. She has done extensive research on the effective treatments for scoliosis and is a huge patient and parent advocate.
Rachel's scoliosis story is truly amazing. From being diagnosed when she was very young, to wearing a brace for years, to then reducing her curve by 50% after she reached skeletal maturity using the Schroth Method....she is amazing!
There are many things we can learn from this episode. Not being afraid to try something new if what you are trying isn't working. Speaking up when you have questions, and being diligent in your exercises. These are just a few things learned from this episode.
Straight Talk Scoliosis is a book you can purchase to give you more information on what things to ask, what things to do, and how to get support for yourself or your child.
The Curvy Girls Support Group is an amazing group to help support those diagnosed with scoliosis. If you are not a part of that group, you can check it out here.
Monday May 30, 2022
Madeline Kidd on Supporting Others with Scoliosis
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
One of the best things for those diagnosed with scoliosis is to have support from someone who knows what they are going through. Madeline is an amazing teen who is looking to do just that.
She is competing in Miss Northern Utah Outstanding Teen, and has decided her Social Impact Initiative is supporting teenage girls who have been diagnosed with scoliosis.
She shares her story of having scoliosis herself, being braced, and getting through the challenging times. Her attitude toward scoliosis is amazing and she has a strong desire to help others dealing with the same thing.
Madeline's mother, Jenifer, also talks about her experience with scoliosis, since she comes from a long line of women with scoliosis. She also discusses the need for support groups, not just for teens, but for parents as well.
This is an awesome episode and we can all learn how to not judge others based on what we see on the outside, because they are dealing with things on the inside as well.
We wish Madeline the best of luck with her competition later this year for Miss Outstanding Teen of Northern Utah. We know she is going to do amazing!
Monday May 16, 2022
Jennifer Lee, Drama Therapist, on the Scoliosis Mind Body Connection
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Jennifer Lee is a licensed Drama Therapist in Boston and took the time to discuss her own experience with scoliosis, as well as how she helps those struggling with scoliosis and chronic pain.
She also gives some really helpful insights into what providers can do better when talking to their patients. Most of the time, this can be a very influential interaction and we need to do better with making it a positive one.
Jenn touches on how she uses Drama Therapy along with other treatment techniques to address the psychological side of scoliosis along with how she currently addresses her own scoliosis.
This would be a great episode for anyone with scoliosis, but especially adolescents who are just diagnosed. It would also be great for any provider who treats scoliosis to learn some important things from the patient perspective.
To learn more about how we treat scoliosis, check out our website at www.aligntherapyutah.com
Monday May 09, 2022
Helping Scoliosis with Drama Therapy with Skylar Stratemeyer
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Skylar Stratemeyer shares her experience with scoliosis and being diagnosed at a young age. She was 10 years old when she was diagnosed with scoliosis and spondylolisthesis. The fear and uncertainty surrounding this diagnosis was challenging and she talks about how she addressed this in her own life.
Skylar is a Drama Therapy student as well, and she describes how Drama Therapy can help those with scoliosis. Sometimes, the psychological trauma that occurs early in life with scoliosis can continue into adulthood. When this happens, what do you do?
Check out this episode to hear some ideas of how you can help live better with scoliosis and to hear Skylar's awesome attitude and story.
To find more information on scoliosis, check out our Scoliosis Portal at https://aligntherapyutah.com/scoliosis-portal/
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Treatment of adult spinal deformities (scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylolisthesis, etc) can be complex and confusing. Many patients are just told to wait until it is bad enough for surgery, and then something can be done.
Dr Steinhaus and Dr Brewster of the Intermountain Spine Institute take a different approach to treatment spinal deformities in adults.
In this episode, they talk about the techniques they do surgically to relieve pain and improve function, but they also talk about those they recommend.
One of my favorite discussion points in this episode is they do the LEAST amount of surgery necessary to improve as much function as possible. This is really helpful when you think they are not looking to do a large surgery if it is not needed.
These are two surgeons who are improving the way adult spinal deformities are treated. If you are looking for more information on them, you can check out the Intermountain Spine Institute's Website at https://www.intermountainspine.com/
You can also call their office at 801-314-BACK (2225).
To see more information on adult scoliosis and spinal deformity treatment, check out our website at https://aligntherapyutah.com/adult-scoliosis/